In order to improve the economy of the reprofiling strategy, based on the wheelset wear data, this paper studied the economic reprofiling strategy of CRH2A EMU. When describing the wear regular pattern of EMU wheelset, the paper established the wear regular pattern of rim thickness and the monthly wear regular pattern of wheel diameter by means of quadratic fitting and mathematical statistics respectively. Among them, the advantages and disadvantages of fitting wheel diameter distribution were measured by the goodness of Chi-square fitting, and the fitting result of wheel rim thickness wear function was evaluated by fitting degree. Based on the wheel flange thickness wear rate model and the mathematical statistics model of wheel diameter wear, the paper used Monte Carlo simulation method to simulate the actual situation of EMU wheelset operation, obtained the simulation results of 121 kinds of reprofiling strategies, and selected the optimal strategy. Through the comparative analysis of the experimental results, and compared with the existing fixed reprofiling scheme, the optimal strategy improves the service time of the EMU wheelset, reduces the operation cost of the EMU and improves the economic benefit.