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Implementation strategy of railway BIM engineering

  • 摘要: 为解决BIM技术在铁路工程应用中的相关问题,如BIM实施目标不明确,BIM专业人员短缺,BIM相关投入与收益不成正比等,从铁路BIM技术应用、基于BIM的工作流程再造、标准BIM合同文本研制、经济效益量化研究、铁路BIM平台研发、铁路BIM实施标准指南编制和铁路BIM培训等7个方面提出了铁路BIM工程化实施策略,并结合京雄城际铁路工程施工,给出铁路BIM工程化实施策略样例,为BIM技术在铁路工程中的顺利实施提供策略参考。


    Abstract: In order to solve the problems related to the application of BIM technology in railway engineering, such as unclear BIM implementation objectives, shortage of BIM professionals, and the disproportion between BIM related investment and income, this paper put forward the implementation strategy of railway engineering from seven aspects: the application of railway BIM technology, BIM based work process reengineering, development of standard BIM contract text, quantitative research on economic benefits, development of railway BIM platform, compilation of railway BIM implementation standard guide, railway BIM training. Combined with the construction of Jingxiong (Beijing—Xiongan) Intercity Railway Project, the paper gave an example of railway BIM engineering implementation strategy, which provided strategic reference for the smooth implementation of BIM technology in railway engineering.


