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Manual inspection management system for railway permanent way equipment

  • 摘要: 为适应铁路高速化、重载化的发展趋势,针对当前线路设备人工检查管理中的诸多问题,中国铁路南昌局集团有限公司与北京交通大学合作研发“铁路线路设备人工检查管理系统”。根据人工检查业务要求,对系统进行功能需求分析和整体架构设计。以当前和未来现场设备管理要求为导向,对数据采集方式的优化进行探讨。在此研究基础上,利用Oracle 12C数据库、C#等工具语言完成基于B/S架构的“铁路线路设备人工检查管理系统”的开发。系统以设备台账数据、检修数据为基础,涉及工务段、车间和工区三级用户,能够有效地简化人工检查数据记录,代替人工完成问题判定、闭环管理和设备质量评定等重复性工作,为不断优化人工检查业务、提升铁路工务管理水平提供必需的工具支撑。文章从系统设计、关键技术和功能实现3方面对系统进行详细阐述。


    Abstract: Manual inspection management system for railway permanent way equipment was researched and developed by China Railway Nanchang Group Co. Ltd. and Beijing Jiaotong University in order to meet high - speed and heavy haul tendency of China's railway and solve the problems of current manual inspection of railway permanent way equipment. According to the business requirements of the manual inspection, the functional requirements analysis and overall architecture design of the system were carried out in detail. Guided by current and future field equipment management requirements, the optimization of data acquisition mode was discussed. On the basis of this research,this paper developed the B/S architecture based management system by using Oracle 12C database, C # .Net, JQuery,JavaScript and other tools. The system was based on equipment ledger data and maintenance data, involved three levels of users, such as works section, workshop and work area. It could effectively simplify the way of collecting data for manual inspection, instead of manual work to accomplish repetitive tasks such as problem determination, closed loop management and equipment quality assessment, so as to provide necessary tool support for continuous optimization of manual inspection business and upgrade railway permanent way management level. This paper elaborated the system from 3 aspects: system design, key technology and function implementation.


