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Application analysis methad of rilway Internet of Things

  • 摘要: 围绕动车组维修场景,从主要业务对象及关键生产要素入手,按照标识识别、状态传感、定位导航、控制反馈划分物联感知技术,逐项分解和明确细化其中有价值的感知技术应用模式。提出了一套物联网应用分析方法,对于在其他领域开展物联网顶层设计也有重要借鉴意义。


    Abstract: This article focused on the EMU maintenance scene, started with the main business objects and key production factors, in accordance with characteristic identification, state sensing, positioning navigation, control feedback classification and things perception technology, decomposed by item by item and explicitly refined the valuable application patterns of perceptual technology. The article presented a methodology for the analysis of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, which also has reference significance for the top-level design of IoT in other fields.


