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Big data analysis techniques applied to optimization of railway unloading organization

  • 摘要: 文章介绍铁路卸车组织管理系统,该系统利用大数据分析技术,解决待卸车动态分布实时分析、重车在运输过程的监控和预警、重车到达时间的预测和预报,辅助编制卸车计划,安排货运专用线或公共货场使用等问题。系统已在昆明铁路局试用,取得了很好的经济效益和社会效益。


    Abstract: This article described the application of big data technology in optimization of railway unloading organization such as real-time analysis for railway unloading freight cars dynamic distribution, monitoring and early warning in the process of transportation for railway loaded freight cars, prediction and early warning of arrival time for railway loaded freight cars, aided unloading plan, arranging freight special line, the use of public goods yard, etc. Through the use of big data technology, Kunming Railway Administration has achieved very good economic and social benefits.


