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Application of Railway Automatic Ticket Refund System

  • 摘要: 自2008年我国铁路首次使用自动售检票系统以来,自动售票系统在全国范围内得以推广,但是相比之下,退票工作还处于传统的窗口人工退票阶段,其落后的生产与管理方式与自动售票系统形成了鲜明的对比。本文着重讨论了自动退票系统的关键技术,并提出了解决方案和自动退票的发展方向。


    Abstract: Since 2008, China Railway’s Automatic Fare Collection System has become popular nationwide. However ticket refund was still in the stage of manual process, the laggard production and management of which contrasted strikingly with the Automatic Ticket Vending System. This paper focused on the key technologies of Automatic Ticket Refund System, and put forward the solution and the development direction of automatic refund.


