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Virtualization technology in operation and maintenance of Railway Information System

  • 摘要: 信息系统运维中主要有3个问题:系统持续可用、资源均衡使用和维护简便。传统应对方法存在资源闲置或不够用、资源不能灵活调配、系统维护不便的问题。应用虚拟机技术,能有效解决这些问题,在实际工作中利用4个节点运行多个高可用应用,充分验证其有效性。


    Abstract: There were three problems in operation and maintenance of Information System, such as the system continuously available, balanced use of resources, easy maintenance. The traditional methods were with the problems of idle resources idle or shortage of resources, not flexible deployment of resources, system maintenance inconvenience. These problems could be effectively solved by application of virtual technology. Four nods were used to run several high available application in practical work. The effectiveness was fully proved.


