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面向企业职称评议的专家评分系统 设计与实现

Expert rating system for enterprise professional title evaluation

  • 摘要: 针对企业职称评审专家评议主要依靠人工进行线下打分、结果汇总和排名等操作,花费大量的时间成本和人力成本,效率较低的情况,基于职称评议专家评分实际需求,采用B/S架构,在IntelliJ IDEA开发环境中开发、实现了面向企业职称评议的专家评分系统。阐述了该系统的总体架构、数据架构、功能模块和关键技术,实现了专家评分、结果汇总等功能,为企业职称评议提供了一种有效的电子化专家评分方式,提高了职称评审的工作效率,具有推广价值。


    Abstract: In response to the low efficiency of enterprise professional title evaluation expert evaluation, which mainly relied on manual offline scoring, result summary, and ranking, and consumed a lot of time and manpower costs, based on the actual needs of professional title evaluation expert evaluation, this paper adopted the B/S architecture, developed and implemented an expert rating system for enterprise professional title evaluation in the IntelliJ IDEA development environment, elaborated on the overall architecture, data architecture, functional modules, and key technologies of the system, which implemented functions such as expert scoring and result summary. It provides an effective electronized expert rating method for enterprise professional title evaluation, improves the efficiency of professional title evaluation, and has promotional value.


