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Research on comprehensive safety analysis system of railway power supply equipment

  • 摘要: 为及时掌握铁路供电设备的安全状况,实施精准的安全管控,结合中国铁路太原局集团有限公司供电设备安全管理需求,明确铁路局集团公司供电设备安全综合分析系统的建设目标,提出系统总体架构,完成系统相关数据源的调查和整理,分析设计了系统主要功能,并对关键技术进行研究,为下一步系统开发奠定基础。


    Abstract: To master the safety status of railway power supply equipment and conduct targeted safety management, the objectives of building the comprehensive safety analysis system of railway power supply equipment are clarified and its overall framework is proposed based on the requirements of safety management of railway power supply from China Railway Taiyuan Group Co. Ltd. Therefore, the investigation and data arrangement of relevant data sources from existing information systems was made. Furthermore, the main functions of the system are designed and its key technologies are studied, laying the foundation for the development of the system.


