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Review of research on topological features and dynamics of complex railway transportation network

  • 摘要: 铁路运输网络建模与分析一直是铁路运输组织研究的热点和难点,其目标是揭示铁路运输特点、行为与网络结构之间的内在联系,为铁路运输网络规划和铁路运输组织优化提供有价值的理论依据。迄今为止, 对铁路运输复杂网络统计特征与动力学的研究成果颇丰。从铁路运输复杂网络的模型构建、拓扑特征、动力学3个方面对这些研究工作进行全面地解析和总结;同时,针对铁路运输网络规划和优化铁路运输组织这2个主要应用方向,梳理和概括相关研究工作,为全面了解铁路运输复杂网络领域的研究进展提供概貌图,也可为后续研究工作提供清晰的引导,并结合我国铁路运输当前的形势和重点任务,对今后铁路运输复杂网络研究工作提出思考与建议。


    Abstract: The modeling and analysis of railway transportation network remains as a hot and difficult spot in the researches of railway transportation organization aiming at revealing the internal relationship between the characteristics, behaviors of railway transportation and the structure of railway transportation network, thus provide valuable theoretical basis for network planning and organization optimization of railway transportation. Up to now, many research results have been achieved in the study of topological features and dynamics of complex railway transportation network. This paper parses and summarizes those researches in three perspectives of the construction of complex railway transportation network model, statistical characteristics of the network, and its dynamics. Meanwhile, relevant researches in network planning and organization optimization of railway transportation are also sorted and concluded. In all, this paper presents a all-sided overview of the research progress of complex railway transportation network and also gives a clear guidance for future researches in this aspect. Finally, some considerations and suggestions are proposed in combination with the current situation and key tasks of Chinese railway transportation.


