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Research and development of intelligent dispatching system for delayed passenger trains in high-speed railway

  • 摘要: 为提升调度员对高铁晚点列车的调度指挥效率,研究晚点时间估算方法和晚点列车调整规则,利用雷达图和电子地图等可视化技术,开发高铁晚点列车智能调度系统,提供高铁列车运行晚点实时监控、重点监控列车晚点预警、列车晚点原因分析、调整方案协同制定等功能,具有一定程度的智能化水平,有助于减轻调度员的工作强度。目前,系统1.0版本已在中国国家铁路集团有限公司和铁路局集团公司两级单位正式启用,应用效果良好。


    Abstract: To improve the working efficiency of the dispatchers in coping with delayed trains in high-speed railway, delay time estimate method and adjustment rules for delayed passenger trains are studied. On the basis of this, the intelligent dispatching system for delayed passenger trains in high speed railway was developed by using visulization technologies including radar chart and electronic map. This system realizes the functions of real-time monitoring of delayed trains in high-speed railway, pre-alarming on key delayed trains under monitor, cause analysis of delayed trains, coordinated adjustment of train operation plan by multiple dispatchers and has a certain level of intelligence. helping to ease the work of the dispatchers. At present, the version 1.0 of the system has been officially put into use in CHINA RAILWAY and good effects of its application have been achieved.


