Intelligent transportation systems based on vehicular networks
摘要: 面向未来智能交通系统,文章分析了该系统网络的固有属性。围绕这些属性构建了车联网智能交通系统的架构,在此基础上分析了基于“云-雾-节点”模式的信息交互模型,提出目前存在的关键问题,以期为车联网智能交通系统研究提供参考。Abstract: For the future intelligent transportation system, this article analyzed the inherent properties of the system. Around these properties, the article formulated the framework of the vehicle network based intelligent transportation system, analyzed the data sharing and interaction based on the "cloud-fog-node" model, and then presented open issues for the existing studies. Accordingly, the article hoped to provide insights for the future study in intelligent transportation systems.