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Calculation method of loading and unloading integrity rate based on departure vehicle

  • 摘要: 研究设计以当日出发车为基准的装卸完整率计算方法,解决当前以十八点报告为基准的计算方法无法精确定位、报告不完整的问题。采用模拟车站系统作业的方法,以铁路运输信息集成平台到发报告、装卸报告为主要数据源,生成包含车辆基本信息及作业信息的车辆登记表,进而以该表为基础汇总计算车站的装卸完整率。通过由该方法计算得到的装卸完整率,管理人员或作业人员能够快速找到没有上传装卸报告的装卸作业,从而精确、快速地定位问题车辆。


    Abstract: This article researched and designed the calculation method of loading and unloading integrity rate based on the departure vehicle of the day to solve the problem that the current calculation method based on the 18:00 report cannot accurately locate and the report is incomplete. Using the method of simulating the operation of station system, taking the arrival and departure report as well as loading and unloading report of railway transportation information integration platform as the main data source, it was generated a vehicle registration form including basic vehicle information and operation information, and then calculated the loading and unloading integrity rate of the station based on the form. Through the loading and unloading integrity rate calculated by this method, the managers or operators can quickly find the loading and unloading operations without uploading the loading and unloading report, so that they can accurately and quickly locate the problem vehicles.


