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Railway big data visualization technology

  • 摘要: 基于对可视化技术定义、展现要素及特征的分析,结合可视化技术分类与应用场景,对铁路出行数据可视化研究进行归纳和阐述,并对部分应用案例进行介绍,包括铁路出行OD客流可视化、铁路出行热点数据可视化、铁路客运量分析可视化等。同时,对可视化应用在铁路行业的发展做出总结和展望,表明在铁路信息化发展中的重要意义。


    Abstract: Based on the analysis of the definition, elements and characteristics of visualization technology, combined with the visualization technology classification and application scenarios, this paper summarized and elaborated the data visualization research of railway travel data, and introduced some application cases, including the visualization of OD passenger flows, railway travel hot spot data and railway passenger volume analysis. At the same time, the paper summarized and prospected the development of visualization applications in railway, and indicated the importance of visualization technology in the development of railway information.


