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Optimization of railway ticket selling emergency plan based on virtualization

  • 摘要: 根据铁路客票系统当前售票应急情况,提出基于虚拟化对铁路局售票应急方案优化的研究,解决当前应急方式存在的降级响应问题。研究虚拟化技术、云计算技术、双中心双活应急互备技术在铁路局客票系统中的应用。为铁路局客票系统设计的两个双活生产中心可以同时工作,达到互为应急备份且提供正常开展业务的效果,提高客票系统的处理能力、可靠性与稳定性,从而整体提高业务的应急保障能力。


    Abstract: According to the emergency situation of current ticket selling for the railway ticketing and reservation system, the study on the optimization of railway ticket selling emergency plan based on virtualization was put forward to solve the problem of downgrade response in the current emergency mode. This article researched on the application of virtualization technology, cloud computing technology, dual center and double live emergency backup technology in the railway ticketing and reservation system. Two double live production centers designed for railway ticket system could work at the same time to implement mutual emergency backup and provide the effect of normal business, improve the handling capacity, reliability and stability of the ticketing and reservation system, so then improve the overall business emergency response capabilities.


