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Integrated operation and maintenance management system for EMU based on Internet of Things technology

  • 摘要: 通过对动车组一体化作业管理流程的分析及现场作业过程中存在的管理问题,提出了建设以物联网为技术基础的动车组一体化检修作业管理信息系统,利用RFID、传感器、移动互联和图像信息采集识别等物联网技术,实现对动车组检修作业过程数据的实时共享,提高动车组一体化检修作业管理效率和现场安全作业保障。


    Abstract: This article analyzed the integrated operation management process of EMU and the management problems existing in the on-site operation flow, proposed the integrated operation and maintenance management system for EMU based on Internet of Things (IOT) technology. It was implemented the real-time data sharing of operation and maintenance of EMU by using RFID, sensors, mobile Interne, image information acquisition, identification and other technologies, improved the efficiency of the integrated operation and maintenance management of the EMU, ensured the on-site safety operation.


