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On-line evaluation system of railway technical titles

  • 摘要: 基于铁路专业技术职称评审的实际需要,对职称评审的工作流程进行了梳理,对系统用户及其功能进行了定义,并利用J2EE技术、SSH架构对铁路专业技术职称评审系统进行设计和开发,最终建立了集职称申报、单位推荐、专家评审等功能为一体的网络化职称评审系统。


    Abstract: Targeting on the actual needs for evaluation of railway technical titles, the article reorganized the working procedure for the evaluation, defined the system user and its function, designed and developed the on-line evaluation system of railway technical title by using J2EE technology and SSH structure. The system was integrated the functions of title declaration, unit recommendation and expert review.


