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Antecedents management system for EMU based on whole lifecycle

  • 摘要: 本文研究了一种高速动车组全生命周期履历管理系统,通过分析高速动车组全生命周期履历信息管理需求,提出履历系统的体系架构,即履历初始化、动态履历收集、履历异常处理和履历应用,描述了通过面向动车组结构的序列号管理,自动集成和动态记录动车组从设计使用到报废全生命周期各阶段的整车与零部件状态数据,支撑序列号跟踪、运用信息管理、履历构型变更和版本管理以及履历查询活动。高速动车组全生命周期履历管理系统在企业应用过程中取得良好效果。


    Abstract: This paper researched on the antecedents management system for EMU based on whole lifecycle, analyzed the main requirements of the system, proposed the system framework including antecedents initialization, collection of dynamic antecedents, exception handling and application of antecedents. With the sequence number management based on EMU configuration oriented. The system could integrate automatically and record dynamically the state data of EMU and parts through the whole lifecycle from design and use to scrap, supported sequence tracing, operation information management, antecedents configuration update and versions management, antecedents query. The system has achieved good results in the process of enterprise application.


