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Java class dynamic loading mechanism in Internet Ticketing and Reservation System

  • 摘要: 铁路互联网售票系统已经成为重要的售票渠道,部分高并发业务(比如余票查询、订单查询、常用联系人查询等)运行在分布式内存数据库集群中。由于业务逻辑维护优化的需要,业务代码需要频繁调整,通过重启服务的方式部署新代码新业务,耗时相当长。为提高运维效率,在研究Java类加载机制的基础上,本文探讨了适用于铁路互联网售票系统的代码动态部署模块的设计和实现过程,进行了测试与分析,并进行了总结。


    Abstract: Internet Ticketing and Reservation System has been an important channel that sold railway tickets. Some applications were using distributed in-memory database to solve the concurrent access pressure, such as ticket-queryservice, order-query-service, passenger-query-service, etc. Because some business logic code needed to be modified frequently, all the service nodes had to be restarted to deploy new program, while this operation usually took a long time. To improve the efficiency of operation and maintenance, based on Java class dynamic loading mechanism, this paper explained the design and implementation of Java class dynamic loading mechanism which was suitable for Internet Ticketing and Reservation System, tested the system module and analyzed the running results of the modules, given a conclusion and some suggestions.


