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Research on Layout Number of Zone Control in Urban Transit

  • 摘要: 区域控制器作为基于无线通信的列车运行控制系统中的关键地面设备,其在一条地铁线路中的布置一直采用一级设备站布置的方式,具有一定的优化调整空间。本文在介绍区域控制器的结构、功能和接口的基础上,通过分析影响区域控制器布置数量的定量因素,提出区域控制器布置的一些基本原则,同时给出一条地铁线计算区域控制器数量的公式,并以北京地铁10号线一期工程为对象,使用公式计算了区域控制器的数量。


    Abstract: Zone Controller (ZC) was the key on-ground equipment in the Train Control System based on wireless communication. In a subway line, ZC was always set in the first level centralized station, which could be improved and optimized. Based on the introduction of ZC’s structure, function and interface, the paper analyzed the quantitative factors which impacted on the number of ZC layout number, provided the basic principles of ZC layout. Meanwhile, the calculation formula about ZC layout number was given in a subway line. Based on the first stage of Beijing Metro Line 10 project, the number of ZC layout was calculated by the given formula.


