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Integrated preparation system of production plan for railway main freight transport channels

  • 摘要: 针对目前铁路货运生产计划编制的效率和质量不高等问题,以主要货运通道为业务场景,设计了铁路主要货运通道生产计划一体化编制系统,并研究了其关键技术,实现计划辅助编制、计划执行盯控、计划兑现分析、空车运用分析及车流综合分析等运输全过程管理。通过在唐(山)包(头)、瓦(塘)日(照)、浩(勒报吉)吉(安)线上的应用,验证了该系统的有效性,为铁路货运通道能力优化运用提供了技术支持和实践经验。


    Abstract: In response to the weak guidance of production plans and the low efficiency and quality of plan preparation in current railway freight dispatch, this paper took the main freight channel as the business scenario, designed an integrated preparation system of production plan for railway main freight channels, and studied its key technologies to implement full process management of transportation activities such as plan assistance preparation, plan execution monitoring, plan fulfillment analysis, empty car utilization analysis, and comprehensive traffic flow analysis. The effectiveness of the system has been verified through its application on the Tang (Shan) Bao (Tou), Wa (Tang) Ri (Zhao), and Hao (Le Bao Ji) Ji (An) lines, provided technical support and practical experience for optimizing the capacity of railway freight channels.


