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High elasticity intelligent voice call system

  • 摘要: 为解决铁路局集团公司语音呼叫系统规划容量和实际使用需求难以匹配的问题,通过联合多个铁路局集团公司的语音呼叫系统,设计高弹性智能语音呼叫系统。采用云计算技术,实现了高可伸缩性;基于呼叫用户的敏感性层级,对用户队列进行优先级排序,增强业务包容性。该系统应用在中国铁路广州局集团有限公司的应急指挥平台中,取得了较好效果。


    Abstract: To solve the problem of difficulty in matching the planned capacity and actual usage requirements of the voice call system of the China Railway Group Companies, this paper designed a highly elastic intelligent voice call system by collaborating with the voice call systems of multiple China Railway Group Companies. The paper adopted cloud computing technology to implement high scalability, prioritized user queues based on the sensitivity level of calling users to enhance business inclusiveness. The system has been applied in the emergency command platform of China Railway Guangzhou Group Co. Ltd. and has achieved good results.


