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Application of first article digital calibration of communication, signaling, power, and electrification in Lanzhou-Zhangye high-speed railway

  • 摘要: 针对铁路四电工程建设中施工技术标准与工艺要求缺乏统一参照和数字化示范的问题,文章研究铁路四电首件数字化定标,对兰张(兰州—张掖)三四线建设项目中数字化建模、数据分析、工艺模拟等技术进行研究;在设备、器材、材料、工艺等方面,将这些技术与建设工程的施工规范、维护标准等有机结合,形成标准化的首件数字化样板工程。应用表明,数字化定标可更加精确地掌握施工过程中的各项参数和指标,准确地预测和评估施工过程中的潜在风险,提高铁路四电工程施工质量,加强施工管理和过程管控,进一步推动铁路四电建造技术的数字化应用。


    Abstract: In response to the lack of unified reference and digital demonstration of construction technology standards and process requirements in railway communication, signal, power and electrification (referred to as "four electricity") engineering construction, this paper studied the first article digital calibration of railway four electricity, and conducted research on digital modeling, data analysis, process simulation and other technologies in the construction project of Lanzhou-Zhangye high-speed railway. In terms of equipment, materials, processes, etc., the paper organically combined these technologies with the construction specifications, maintenance standards, and other aspects of construction projects, formed a digital and template based high-quality digital model project. The application shows that digital calibration can more accurately grasp various parameters and indicators in the construction process, accurately predict and evaluate potential risks in the construction process, improve the construction quality and efficiency of railway four electricity engineering, and further promote the digital application of railway four electricity construction technology.


