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Gray fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of city circle rail transit network planning based on GIS

  • 摘要: 以武汉城市圈轨道交通线网规划评价为实例,在地理信息系统(GIS)的支持下,利用层次分析法和熵定权的灰色模糊综合评价方法对武汉城市圈轨道交通3种线网规划方案进行了综合评价。根据建立的城市圈轨道交通线网规划评价指标体系,采用层次分析法获得各定性指标的主观权重;基于GIS空间分析计算,应用熵权法求算定量指标客观权重;综合主客观权重得到评价指标最终权重矩阵;利用灰色关联分析计算隶属度,通过模糊算子将权重矩阵与隶属度进行模糊计算,获得各个规划方案的最终综合评价值,进而确定最优方案。方法的应用可以较好地改善轨道交通线网规划评价过程中方案权重赋值的主观不确定性,为城市圈轨道交通线网规划方案的评价及优选服务。


    Abstract: Taking the planning and evaluation of Wuhan city circle rail transit network as a case study, three kinds of planning schemes of Wuhan city circle rail transit network were comprehensively evaluated by AHP and entropy weighted grey fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method with the support of geographical information system (GIS).The subjective index weights were obtained based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The objective index weights were determined using entropy method based on quantitative calculations of GIS spatial analysis. Then, the subjective and objective weights were combined to get the final weight matrix for comprehensive evaluation. Membership degree was derived by grey relation analysis, and fuzzy operator was performed between weight matrix and membership.Ultimately, fuzzy evaluation value was determined for each planning transit network scheme. The subjective uncertainty of scheme weight assignment in the evaluation process of rail transit network planning could be improved by applying the method, which could serve for the evaluation and optimization of city cicle rail transit network planning.


