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Current situation and development of EMU information based management in new era

  • 摘要: 回顾动车组管理信息系统的发展历程,总结系统功能、应用规模、社会经济效益现状。针对“十三五”期间不断涌现的新技术、新业态和新模式,面临新时期的机遇和挑战,从技术创新和专业服务两方面进行初步思考和积极探索。


    Abstract: This article reviewed the development process of EMU management information system, summarized the system function, scale of application, social and economic benefits. According to the "13th Five-Year" during the continuous emergence of new technologies, new formats and new models, facing opportunities and challenges in the new era, the article carried on the preliminary thinking and the active exploration from the technical innovation and the specialized service.


