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基于DevSecOps的铁路应用交付 平台技术研究

Railway application delivery platform technology based on DevSecOps

  • 摘要: 为提高铁路软件应用交付效率和应用安全管理水平,设计并实现了基于DevSecOps的铁路应用交付平台,阐述了该平台的架构,以及基于DevSecOps的安全交付技术和云原生安全生态工具整合技术,实现了应用管理、应用部署管理、数据分析、平台管理等功能。实践表明,该平台的应用提高了铁路应用研发的工作效率,减少了应用的安全威胁,为铁路数字化转型提供技术支撑。


    Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency of railway software application delivery and the level of application security management, this paper designed and implemented a railway application delivery platform based on DevSecOps, elaborated on the architecture of the platform, as well as the security delivery technology based on DevSecOps and the integration technology of cloud native safe ecology tool, and implemented functions such as application management, application deployment management, data analysis, and platform management. Practice has shown that the application of this platform has improved the efficiency of railway application research and development, reduced security threats to applications, and provided technical support for railway digital transformation.


